Friday, April 2, 2010

Primal Golem-

Basically finished, some fine tuning with the rim lighting on the figure, but I've worked on it alot so I'm taking a breather and coming back to it.

1 comment:

  1. bop. I dont like the rim lighting. There isn't enough contrast for the rim lighting to work. It just flattens out the figure. There isn't enough contrast I think in the first place. It's very flat. There are areas where you seem to understand it in the head and chest/body, but the shoudlers and arms, its like you need to work out your light source or something. I'd suggest making a copy, and just letting go and almost trying to over exaggerate the contrast and shading, almost like you don't give a shit. Just to see how far you can push it. It needs that pop. Especially in that lava lit cavern, thered be loooots of contrast. It would be super dark.
