Thursday, July 13, 2017

Work in progress, water color?! Waaahh?

That's right, oddly enough I'm actually working on a water color piece. I'm moderately happy with it so far. But I've no idea where it will go. 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

So it begins.

No idea what to title this, so I just saved the file as "bag lady"
Day 1

Back? Frustrated? You bet I am. Let's make that into something productive huh?

So, I'm not a blogger, I'm not really a "professional artist." I find I'm an avid video game enthusiast (if it's a multiplayer game at least) I went to school for art, but basically haven't done shit with it. So here it is, I'm going to paint one thing, SOMETHING every day. Till I get better, if for no other reason than for myself. So I'm working now on one. I'm going to push it to a point where I can show someone and not COMPLETELY cringe. So here is my adventure, you are welcome to join in, crits are mostly welcome, be constructive, I don't want "this looks great" nor do I want "this looks like shit.." I need to improve, and maybe with some damn self control and dedication I can do this. Enough self motivating, back to the grind.

-Omni Malchort.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Been forever and a day...and a half.

So I've been neglecting my blog, I made a "official" portfolio website at  I'm going to try to create a bit more art, I haven't pushed anything to finish in awhile except a piece I did for a card game expansion, I'll include that in a future post. But here's something I'm messing around with right now. Very Neon Genesis inspired.

I didn't mess round with its weapon yet. We'll see what happens with it.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Flower Girl Work In Progress

Just a more illustrative piece I'm working on, very mucha inspired.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Father Winter

A piece I made for a friends wall paper. I don't think he used it but it was still fun to paint. took about 25-30 minutes.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Genetic Defect

Had fun on this one. Found a basic brush I'm really liking. I don't like the legs, I may need to do a lower body study of human anatomy soon.